
Glas Top Table

Here is another way to use perforated panels as a decorative element. Mr P.N. but a perforated panel ( pattern Dakota ) under the glas top to prevent looking at the contents of the basket below

Folding Screen

Build your own folding screen to create comfortable and cozy places. You can also alter an existing screen to adopt to your design preferences.


Paravents – ideal for separating waiting areas, meeting tables, create small sections within a larger room and lots more.

Bar Front

A very successful application is this bar counter. It shows Fleur de Lys build into the front and the Dakota pattern for the radiator covers.

Cupboard doors

Shown on this image is are cupboard doors with new fillings, pattern Oregon. Very good adapted to fittings and moldings.

Customizing a bench

A customer from Bath sent us this picture. In order to give his bench a unique style, he combined oak-veneered perforated panels into his design.

Cabinet doors

Pete Dudley was fed up with his cabinet doors. He replaced the simple and plain fillings with perforated panels – pattern Alegro.

Radiator cover at my barber shop

When I last went to get a haircut at the barber shop around the corner, I’ve seen that my barber covered his ugly radiators. The radiator covers make the room look a lot more tidy. Would be great if I could cover my bald patches just as easy and good looking as that. Kevin McHope.

A really nice radiator cover

Martin McCauley did an awesome job on his radiator. He just framed the panel and hung it in front of the radiator. Just look at this beautiful cover.

Nice radiator cover made by a customer

Thanks for the idea. Finally no more toys under the radiator and also looks good. Steve Pullman.